I really can dislike Guys sometimes
I have bad experiance with guys
The first guy I had a relationship with didn't really take up the guyly rolls, and he would just tell me every time he felt down or just felt like giving up. And that didn't help me in anyway because I would become down the whole time! And also this is the best part...My sisters best friend was in love with my boyfriend and would flirt with him and basically wanted him! And we would have arguements the whole time about it. And when we did finally break up as he was being an arsehole for two weeks him and my sisters best friend went out the day after we broke up! He said "It just happened" code words for I actually like her long before we split!
And then we have boyfriend number 2, who I felt was a bit to sexual for my liking, and that he also didn't really romance that much. He tooke up the guy roles more but sometimes I felt uncomfortable about wat he seemed to want to do. And after about a month I kinda felt like he got bored and we went along another 2 more months having a break in that as well! I felt like he was embarassed to be with me, he didn't want to show his friends he was going out with someone a year younger than him, short ginger haired person...I kinda felt not good enough for his friends! So thats boyfriend number 2.
And now we come onto the guy I like...I've liked him just about 8 months! yeh shocking and kinda pathetic, But I really, really like him. I miss him every time hes away which is a lot as hes not around much anymore. He has the most loveliest eyes And caring face, wonderful hugs, niice hair and I haven't even got onto his personality! Apprantly he knows but thats because one of my friends kindly told a lot of people or because of him people found out! I wish I could tell him but it would be the more weirdest conversation I would have ever had in my life, can u imagine it "oh hi, hows u? by the way I like u!" yeh I can't imagine it either. I know I need to get over him, as hes 'just a guy' but he isn't thats the problem...hes amazing! :( I just miss he would like me back thats all... =|
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