Sunday 25 July 2010


People change....

Everyone matures to a certain extent - most of us don't act like we did when we were 7. Some mature quicker than others. Some mature dramatically, and some more subtly. Some mature Spiritually and some mature Mentally. But we can always mature more....

This doesn't mean there is a full check-list of reaching full maturity; We should not try and all be the maturity - but comfortable in who we are in Christ!! We need to let God lead us into the correct people He wants us to be, and not what the world is telling us.

Change in people is not always a good thing. I am sadden when people change dramatically into someone you don't really know anyone - they became a stranger to you. What saddens me more is when you don't understand why they have changed, and what they were like before was much nicer than what they have become. control + i 'Some actions in our lives, can define us.' control + i A quote from the preach I listened to yesterday in Church. And it's true becoming a Christian is an action and it can define us. Get drunk most weekends can define us. Making bad decisions can define us.

How do you want to be define?? And I don't mean getting an image and people seeing that; or even judging you - Although don't you find us sinful people make massive habbits of judging people!

hehe my hidden secret is that I want everyone to be NICE and LOVELY and become Christians and everyone can be friends :-) - But we're not in heaven yet....

Anyway Signing Out, Jesus Blessings

Planning Planning Planning

Why do people give themselves a 10 year plan?? What does it accomplish...You either forgot what you planned or you strive so much you actually miss something more important in those 10 years...

It also never lets God's change your plan - To me planning thoroughly for 10 years tells God that His plan is not right and Ours is better for him. We have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow so why strive SO much for a 10 year plan.

I'm not saying planning ahead is really saying I'd like to go to Uni, I'd like to have kids :-) But that sort of planning is probably God putting those passions on your heart. Leaving room for God to change our plans and make this adventurous life exciting with the creator.

I'd rather God have my '10 year plan' and I'll just take care of today :-)

Signing out
Suzie xxxxx

Sunday 6 June 2010

Supernatural...what about it?

People have so many different understanding and opinions on the Supernatural.

Some people might's all make beleive... some might go that the Holy Spirit who helps us...and some might say Angels and Demons...some even might say flying or teleporting.

You could ask the question so which ones true...But if someone said that In the Supernatural there's Gold Dust from heaven, Angel feathers, Gem Stone all from heaven would you believe them or would you think they were making it up? If someone even told you if Angels and Demons we real would you believe them?

Most people want proof that all this 'Supernatural' business exist...because this society has told a lot of the world that the Supernatural is a load of fairytale is seems stupid and things like Angels exist.

I'm not really sure what I'm saying here...But a lot of people think that God is a load of make believe...well He isn't. His real and he cares; but it gets even better...there are things are angels and they come to people and meet with people! Angels feather's fall from heaven to Earth and people have seen them! There is such thing as Gold Dusk and for me it comes when I pray and seek God... But I'm not settling for this...I WANT to see so so so much more Supernatural things...I am so desperate to see angels see Gold angels feathers...I want to see what else God has in store because the Supernatural is much more real than even a lot of Christians believe....I want to know so much more about the Supernatural...I want to see Angels and have a conversations with them; how COOL that does that sound!!

God is always on the move and I DON'T want to be left behind, I want to seek the Kingdom! I want to see Heaven invading Earth!! I want more of you Lord Come Please!!


The Father; My Daddy has completely and utterly captured my heart...I am so excited to become more and more intimate with him! Cos His the King of Kings!

I'm not sure what this has turned into; but heyho!

Signing out
Daughter of the King of Kings! xxxx

Friday 21 May 2010

Mr Gary-Lee and God the Father

I am in love :-)
And from the moment I laid eyes on the most amazing man in the whole world... I knew that I would love him forever :-).

Mr Gary-Lee McKinney is the best man in the whole wide world and I will never be afraid to shout it from the roof-tops!

The reason why I love him so much is because I understand some of God's love for me. God shouts to the world how precious I am, He sings over me! I am fearfully and wonderfully made!

I want to show the world God loves, and I want to show the world how much I love Gary-Lee! I can not physically contain how much I love them! I think I would just explode!

It would feel so unnatural to tell not the whole world how much I love God
It would feel so unnatural to tell not the whole world how much I love Gary-Lee :-)

I will not conform to such an worldly view on love. I will not be fearful of man and hide my love. I WILL GLADLY SHOUT FROM THE ROOFTOPS!

I love God!
I love Gary-Lee!

I am not afraid to tell the whole world! It would not be right if I did not tell the world :-)

Signing out
Suzie xxxx

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Sunday 10 January 2010

Forever loved

I had an interesting time on the train to Horsham today :-) A wonderful time in fact :-)
I started my new book 'the reason for God' and was reading it on the way to three bridges; read it at three bridges while waiting for my train. I changed my music to Steven Curtis chapman.... I sat down on my train to Horsham across and when the people across from me got off at crawley my song changed to 'Yours' and I felt a flood of love! :-) I put my hand in the 'recieving' position and just told myself all the reason's why I love being a Christian.

I never know how to describe it but its like having butterflies in your gut area! Its the feeling I get when the holy spirit comes upon me. I felt so loved by God :-)

The next song was 'Something Crazy' I just wanted to get up from my seat and dance on the train. It was an amazing feeling ever!

I just want to search God till the end of my days. :-)

And that's my train journey to see my wonderful boyfriend :-) whom I love with so much passion; because God gives me so much passionate love! I love God! I love Gary-Lee! :-) Yay! Love is SO amazing! :-)

Signing out
Suzieanna Marlow :-) xxxxxxxxxx