Sunday, 25 July 2010


People change....

Everyone matures to a certain extent - most of us don't act like we did when we were 7. Some mature quicker than others. Some mature dramatically, and some more subtly. Some mature Spiritually and some mature Mentally. But we can always mature more....

This doesn't mean there is a full check-list of reaching full maturity; We should not try and all be the maturity - but comfortable in who we are in Christ!! We need to let God lead us into the correct people He wants us to be, and not what the world is telling us.

Change in people is not always a good thing. I am sadden when people change dramatically into someone you don't really know anyone - they became a stranger to you. What saddens me more is when you don't understand why they have changed, and what they were like before was much nicer than what they have become. control + i 'Some actions in our lives, can define us.' control + i A quote from the preach I listened to yesterday in Church. And it's true becoming a Christian is an action and it can define us. Get drunk most weekends can define us. Making bad decisions can define us.

How do you want to be define?? And I don't mean getting an image and people seeing that; or even judging you - Although don't you find us sinful people make massive habbits of judging people!

hehe my hidden secret is that I want everyone to be NICE and LOVELY and become Christians and everyone can be friends :-) - But we're not in heaven yet....

Anyway Signing Out, Jesus Blessings

Planning Planning Planning

Why do people give themselves a 10 year plan?? What does it accomplish...You either forgot what you planned or you strive so much you actually miss something more important in those 10 years...

It also never lets God's change your plan - To me planning thoroughly for 10 years tells God that His plan is not right and Ours is better for him. We have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow so why strive SO much for a 10 year plan.

I'm not saying planning ahead is really saying I'd like to go to Uni, I'd like to have kids :-) But that sort of planning is probably God putting those passions on your heart. Leaving room for God to change our plans and make this adventurous life exciting with the creator.

I'd rather God have my '10 year plan' and I'll just take care of today :-)

Signing out
Suzie xxxxx